Pro Oriente
New publications

New publications

Listening to the East
Synodality in Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Church Traditions

Institute for Ecumenical Studies of the Angelicum / Pro Oriente Foundation (eds.)
Ut unum sint 4
Libreria Editrice Vaticana: Vatikanstadt 2023
641 p. ISBN: 978-88-266-0838-9

Open access: download the whole book for free (.PDF).

Listening to the East COPERTINA

New Educational Material

This booklet provides you with material that invites you on a journey into the richness of the Christian East. At the beginning, you will find an introduction to the diversity of the Eastern Churches. In it, Johannes Oeldemann, Director of the Johann-Adam-Möhler-Institute for Ecumenism (Paderborn), introduces the various Church families of the East; this makes it easier to categorize the various Churches and their traditions, which are now also at home in Europe through the migrant communities here in Europe.

You can order the booklet directly from PRO ORIENTE (

Further information are available here.

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