We speak one language. In many languages.

About Us
PRO ORIENTE was established as a church foundation on November 4, 1964, in Vienna, during the Second Vatican Council. The Foundation has regional committees in Salzburg, Graz, and Linz.
Salzburger Theologische Fakultät: Vortragsserie zum Konzil von Nicäa
Ukrainisches Kirchenoberhaupt Epiphanij wird im Phanar erwartet
Metropolit Arsenios: Fasten ist kein Selbstzweck
Zweiter ökumenischer PRO ORIENTE-Workshop mit jungen Erwachsenen aus Europa
Upcoming events
19:00, Festsaal der Elisabethinen, Eingang Fadingerstraße 1, 4020 Linz (Eingang Krankenhaus
Politik – Kultur – Ökumene - Synodalität
Ökumenischer Workshop "Healing wounded Memories"
08:00 Uhr und 10:00 Uhr, Stadtpfargemeinde Traun
Passionssonntag: Gottesdienste für verfolgte Christen
18:00, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg
„Nizäa, das gemeinsame Osterdatum und die heutige Liturgie“
As a globally recognized platform, PRO ORIENTE contributes to reconciliation processes in different regions of the world through dialogue and cooperation with the Eastern Churches. Various ecumenical forums have been established to address open theological and social questions. Emphasis is placed on promoting cooperation between the Eastern and Western churches in their joint commitment to reconciliation and peace.
With tangible actions and projects, PRO ORIENTE is committed to the practical implementation of dialogues in concrete contexts, thus contributing to understanding and cooperation in society at large. Particular attention is given to empowering the next generation.
Eastern Churches
As an international competence network on churches of the Christian East, PRO ORIENTE offers in-depth expert knowledge on these churches. On this website we provide an overview of the various Eastern Churches, their current situation, their history, and the contexts of their formation, with references for further reading.